In most cases HVAC air duct cleaning takes a minimum of 3 hours. In other words, it is about 1 hour for every 1000 square feet. Painted on registers and complex setups with oddly placed registers can add to job length.
We use a combination of rotating brushes and negative pressurized HVAC HEPA vacuum collection systems. If you are interested in one of our services one of our techs will be more than happy to come out and see whats going on with your system and what actions we recommend you take.
The chimney safety institute of America recommends that open masonry fireplaces should be swept at 1/8" of sooty buildup, and sooner if there is any glaze present in the system. This is considered to be enough fuel buildup to cause a chimney fire capable of damaging the chimney or spreading to the home. Factory-built fireplaces should be swept when any appreciable buildup occurs. The logic is that the deposit is quite acidic and can shorten the life of the fireplace.
For mild growth and odors we use an environmentally friendly solutions. In addition, for more serious growth or odors we use Mold Control inside the HVAC Ducts. Above all, if you are concerned about mold in you home or begin to smell a bad odor contact Daffy Ducts today!
HVAC Ducts should be inspected every two years and the air handler annually. Cleaning frequencies vary greatly due to many factors.
There are several benefits to getting your air ducts cleaned, the most common are listed here:
Air Duct Cleaning Eliminates contamination of the HVAC Ducts and system.
Duct cleaning reduces sources of allergies like pet hair and pollen.
Dust collection throughout the home is greatly reduced leading to a healthier living space.
All duct cleaning removes all particles that absorb odor resulting in a fresher smelling home.
HVAC System efficiency and performance improves as a result of air duct cleaning.
Millions of particles of pollen just like these can be trapped in your vents and can be harmful to both adults and children.
While there is no way for our team to definitively determine if you have mold without testing we can take preventative measures and apply mold control after cleaning the Ducts and HVAC system.
What you have described sounds pretty typical. In addition to the chemical treatment that you mentioned, professional-grade chemicals, usually in the form of a powder, can be applied by chimney sweeps to help change the nature of the glazed creosote to a form that can be removed by a professional with a brush Both forms of these products require some heat such as you would find in a small fire in the fireplace.
If the creosote is gummy, about the only way to deal with the creosote is with a chemical treatment or with an acid application. Acid applications are not as commonly used since they are harder to apply and have to be neutralized a few days after application. If the creosote is crusty or fractures when hit (as opposed to gummy) a rotary cleaning can be helpful. Read our position statement on chemical chimney cleaning products here.
We can remove birds nest during the dryer Vent cleaning process. There may be additional charges for this service. Think there is a nest in your home? Make an appointment with us today and we will gladly check it out.
Your past experiences with chimney sweeps sound as though the sweep did the job he was hired to do. However, your most recent experience sounds a bit odd. If the sweep agreed to do a complete sweeping and only cleaned the brick in the fireplace firebox, you did not get the service that you paid for. A complete chimney sweeping includes the chimney flue and smoke chamber.
In the future you could ask for a Level 1 chimney inspection and a chimney sweeping. If the sweep doesn't know what a Level 1 inspection is, find one that does. A Level 1 inspection is detailed in the National Fire Protection Association 211: Standard on Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances.